
Switzerland - 9 Days

Trip Overview

Country visited
Cities visited
Genève, Switzerland
Montreux, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland
Luzern, Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland
Month traveled
Traveled with
Total length of trip
9 days

Montreux, Switzerland

Arrived by train
Stayed 2 days

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Christina S Jun 8, 2021

@silverfox40 - agreed!!!

silverfox40 Jun 8, 2021

I've lived in Switzerland half a year now... And EVERY place I visited so far, was beautiful.

Christina S Jun 6, 2021

@rubyflynn92 - Yes!! The food was soooo good :) I think Switzerland is one of those hidden treasures! You wouldn't be disappointed if you chose to bump it up your list :)

rubyflynn92 Jun 6, 2021

Cheese and chocolate, you've spoke to my heart! Switzerland is one of those places I've always wanted to visit but never been at the top of my bucket list so I just haven't got round to it. The food may persuade me to bump it a few places up the list though. The Raclette Factory sounds like it would be incredible!

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