The next day we hopped on a train to#sansebastian . We got in pretty late so we didn't do much except source some dinner and do some laundry. We stayed at an AirBNB.
The next day it was extremely rainy (which we expected! This is the#rainiestlocation in Spain!). We did do some walking around but the mist made it a bit tricky to do what we were hoping to do. We made the best of it and still really enjoyed what we got to see!
We really tried to do our own walking around for a "make your own tapa tour" since the food around is really good but we ended up exploring during some#siestatimes . I would suggest to get a true tour for this place, there's so many spots and I feel like we missed out on some pretty good tapas!#oldtown is amazing - definitely take some more time here!
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