Miami, FL, United States
Posted a comment on the "72 hours in Miami for free!"  itinerary
March 3, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Posted a comment on the "A packed week in London for free!"  itinerary
October 14, 2021
Rome, Italy
Posted a comment on the "3 days in Rome for free!"  itinerary
August 6, 2021
Florence, Italy
Tagged "48 hours in Florence, Italy"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Rome, Italy
Tagged "3 days in Rome for free!"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Rome, Italy
Added Photos to "3 days in Rome for free!"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Oxford, United Kingdom
Tagged "Two amazing day trips from London!"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
London, United Kingdom
Tagged "A packed week in London for free!"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Marrakech, Morocco
Tagged "A weekend in Marrakech, Morocco"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Galle District, Sri Lanka
Tagged "Galle to Kandy in 5 days, by car"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Mexico City, Mexico
Tagged "36 hours in Mexico City"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tagged "48 hours in Kuala Lumpur for free!"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
City of New York, United States
August 4, 2021
Miami, FL, United States
Tagged "72 hours in Miami for free!"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Hội An, Vietnam
Tagged "48 hours in Hoi An"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Huế, Vietnam
Tagged "48 hours in Hue, Vietnam"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Bangkok, Thailand
Tagged "48 hours in Bangkok for free"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Tagged "48 hours in Siem Reap"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Siem Reap, Cambodia
August 4, 2021
Hvar, Croatia
August 4, 2021
Split, Croatia
Tagged "48 hours in Split, Croatia"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Ontario, Canada
August 4, 2021
Melaka, Malaysia
Tagged "48 hours in Melaka"  itinerary
August 4, 2021
Florence, Italy
Added Photos to "48 hours in Florence, Italy"  itinerary
August 3, 2021
Oxford, United Kingdom
Added Photos to "Two amazing day trips from London!"  itinerary
August 3, 2021
London, United Kingdom
Added Photos to "A packed week in London for free!"  itinerary
August 3, 2021
Marrakech, Morocco
Added Photos to "A weekend in Marrakech, Morocco"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
Marrakech, Morocco
Posted "A weekend in Marrakech, Morocco"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
Galle District, Sri Lanka
Milestone achieved: 15 itineraries posted
August 2, 2021
Galle District, Sri Lanka
Added Photos to "Galle to Kandy in 5 days, by car"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
Galle District, Sri Lanka
Posted "Galle to Kandy in 5 days, by car"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
Mexico City, Mexico
Added Photos to "36 hours in Mexico City"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
Mexico City, Mexico
Milestone achieved: 15 destinations posted
August 2, 2021
Mexico City, Mexico
Posted "36 hours in Mexico City"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Added Photos to "48 hours in Kuala Lumpur for free!"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Posted "48 hours in Kuala Lumpur for free!"  itinerary
August 2, 2021
City of New York, United States
Added Photos to "72 hours in New York City for free!"  itinerary
August 1, 2021
City of New York, United States
August 1, 2021
Miami, FL, United States
Added Photos to "72 hours in Miami for free!"  itinerary
August 1, 2021
Joined July 28, 2021
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Glad we've been helpful!

Posted to 72 hours in Miami for free! on Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thanks We recommend it too if you're not on a tight budget. Plus if ever you're in Liverpool check out Western Approaches.

Posted to A packed week in London for free! on Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thanks for your comment. Hope you get to visit soon!

Posted to 3 days in Rome for free! on Friday, August 6, 2021

This is so useful. We've just used it on our recent trip to Dubrovnik. Thanks guys!