Barcelona, Spain
Found the 'The Best of Barcelona' itinerary insightful
November 19, 2020
Barcelona, Spain
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November 19, 2020
Barcelona, Spain
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November 19, 2020
Barcelona, Spain
Tagged "The Best of Barcelona"  itinerary
November 19, 2020
Barcelona, Spain
Posted "The Best of Barcelona"  itinerary
November 19, 2020
Bangkok, Thailand
Found the 'Bangkok's gems' itinerary insightful
November 17, 2020
Bangkok, Thailand
Liked "Bangkok's gems"  itinerary
November 17, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
November 17, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Found the 'An adventure in the rainforests of Costa Rica' itinerary insightful
November 17, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
Found the 'Japan's Shine' itinerary insightful
November 16, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
Liked "Japan's Shine"  itinerary
November 16, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
Posted "Japan's Shine"  itinerary
November 15, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
Added Photos to "Japan's Shine"  itinerary
November 15, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
Tagged "Japan's Shine"  itinerary
November 15, 2020
Reykjavík, Iceland
Found the 'Natural Wonders of Iceland' itinerary insightful
November 15, 2020
Reykjavík, Iceland
Liked "Natural Wonders of Iceland"  itinerary
November 15, 2020
Reykjavík, Iceland
Posted "Natural Wonders of Iceland"  itinerary
November 14, 2020
Reykjavík, Iceland
Tagged "Natural Wonders of Iceland"  itinerary
November 14, 2020
Reykjavík, Iceland
Added Photos to "Natural Wonders of Iceland"  itinerary
November 14, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
September 10, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
September 10, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Milestone achieved: 5 itineraries posted
September 10, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Added Photos to "An adventure in the rainforests of Costa Rica"  itinerary
September 10, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Milestone achieved: 10 destinations posted
September 10, 2020
Cairo, Egypt
Added Photos to "Egypt at it's best!"  itinerary
September 8, 2020
Cairo, Egypt
Tagged "Egypt at it's best!"  itinerary
September 8, 2020
Cairo, Egypt
Posted "Egypt at it's best!"  itinerary
September 8, 2020
Bangkok, Thailand
Milestone achieved: 5 destinations posted
September 7, 2020
Bangkok, Thailand
Posted "Bangkok's gems"  itinerary
September 7, 2020
Bangkok, Thailand
Tagged "Bangkok's gems"  itinerary
September 7, 2020
Bangkok, Thailand
Added Photos to "Bangkok's gems"  itinerary
September 7, 2020
Oslo, Norway
Added Photos to "My best trip, Norway"  itinerary
September 5, 2020
Oslo, Norway
Tagged "My best trip, Norway"  itinerary
September 5, 2020
Oslo, Norway
Posted "My best trip, Norway"  itinerary
September 5, 2020
Chisinau, Moldova
Posted "A Trip to Moldova"  itinerary
September 4, 2020
Chisinau, Moldova
Added Photos to "A Trip to Moldova"  itinerary
September 4, 2020
Chisinau, Moldova
Tagged "A Trip to Moldova"  itinerary
September 4, 2020
Joined September 4, 2020
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Comments Posted

I hope you liked my experience in Bangkok! If you travel there, I hope you find more gems of Thai culture than i did.

Posted to Bangkok's gems on Monday, September 7, 2020

I hope this itinerary helped you pick the best locations to visit while in Oslo/Bergen.
If you are looking to travel, I am wishing you a great trip!

Posted to My best trip, Norway on Sunday, September 6, 2020

I am new to this website and if anyone could help me I would appreciate it. I am willing to respond to any messages via email : or trough reddit. You can find me on reddit at u/dodothewise.

Posted to A Trip to Moldova on Friday, September 4, 2020