
Hawaii is always a good idea!!!

Trip Overview

Country visited
United States
City visited
Honolulu, Hi, United States
Month traveled
Traveled with
Total length of trip
4 days

Honolulu, HI, United States

Arrived by airplane
Stayed 4 days

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jamiejensen19816 Jul 23, 2021

@stephwood, The six main islands west to east, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and the Big Island of Hawaii, if anyone wants to explore minimum, still need 3 weeks. As Honolulu is closer to the airport, it has become most popular among others.

stephwood Jul 23, 2021

Hawaii is top of my bucket list, absolute dream destination for me! Would you recommend Honolulu above other Hawaiian destinations? I'm UK based so it would probably be a once in a lifetime trip, I need to choose wisely!

monique241 Jul 23, 2021

totally agree with the title, hawaii is definitely always a good idea, honestly haven't explored much i mainly just chill and eat when i'm there haha

erikaaltman Jul 23, 2021

Diamond Head is such a great hike, great itinerary!

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