Day 1:- we arrived at the airport in Kathmandu, it was not that huge but was very clean and hygenic. As we were indians we did not need any special visa permits but if you are from other countries please do look at the the rules ans regulations. Nepal is completely filled with huge mountains and hills and needless to say its capital is also a valley in the hills. The country was filled with water bodies and unbelievable views, it was a short drive from airport to the hotel. I recommend you to use taxis because the roads were very bad due to earthquakes. also stay at reputed hotels like hotel shangri- la Kathmandu if the food amd hygiene of the room is a main issue. Anyway we headed to get some late lunch in a local restaurant called NEPALAYA ROOF TOP RESTAURANT.The food was amazing and you need to definitely try it , the rates were pretty cheap not jist in this restaurant but pretty much all over the county. and we headed towards ASAN bazaar where you can get nepali souvenirs like khukris etc. After shopping it was pretty late so we had to crash.
Day 2:- we woke up early and had our complementary breakfast and the hotel and headed towards the swayambhunath temple as it was one of the most sacred pilgrimage for buddhists. The temple was built on a hill and you could get a complete city views from the temple.Then we had our lunch at a café nothing much to talk about.we headed to pasupathinath temple which was a temple of lord shiva a hindu deity. Then we headed towards the nepalese cultural show with their traditional dance and dinner with sake.( Contact the travel desk at the hotel for these cultural shows). Went back to hotel and crashed.,4258168,4271059,4306835,4317915,4322823,4328159,4330862,4371335,4401769,4419364,4424916,4433754,4434233,4270859,4284970,4412693&hl=en&gl=in&un=1&ap=aAE&grf=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&q=hotels+in+kathmandu&rp=EIj5mdX07OmaNBC114XU7caeuy8Qjd-M_NDE-q0pEOaUgvSAu-av1QE4AUAASAKiARBLYXRobWFuZHUsIE5lcGFswAEDyAEA&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwjsv9jz9YvsAhUFdCsKHcFTBlwQvS4wAHoECAEQMA
DEVI'S falls sounds amazing! Good to know the driving commitments here on this kind of trip, too.