Gent, Belgium
Added Photos to "Best of Belgium and the Netherlands"  itinerary
October 14, 2020
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Added Photos to "Top Things to See and Do with One Week in Mexico"  itinerary
October 14, 2020
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
October 14, 2020
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
October 14, 2020
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Milestone achieved: 10 destinations posted
October 14, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Added Photos to "One Week in Costa Rica"  itinerary
October 14, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Milestone achieved: 5 destinations posted
October 14, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Tagged "One Week in Costa Rica"  itinerary
October 14, 2020
San José, Costa Rica
Posted "One Week in Costa Rica"  itinerary
October 14, 2020
Calgary, Canada
October 8, 2020
Calgary, Canada
Added Photos to "Road Trip through the Canadian Rockies"  itinerary
October 8, 2020
Calgary, Canada
October 8, 2020
Joined October 7, 2020
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